Uploading data

New events can be uploaded by using a CalDAV capable program, like Thunderbird, Evolution, Apple, DAVx⁵.  

Username: central@aegee.org
Password: cen_tral
Server: https://webmail.aegee.org

To download the public data see the [?] menu “How to integrate in…” on the right upper corner.

To upload with Thunderbird the addons TBSync and DAV-4-TBSync must be installed: https://addons.thunderbird.net/en-us/thunderbird/addon/tbsync/ and https://addons.thunderbird.net/en-us/thunderbird/addon/dav-4-tbsync/ .

From the bottom right corner of Thunderbird click on TbSync.  Account actions → Add new account → CalDAV & CardDAV → Manual configuration.  User name central@aegee.org . CalDAV Server address https://webmail.aegee.org/dav/calendars/ . Next → Finish.  Select “Enable and synchronize this account”.  Select the calendars you want to synchronize and click on “Synchronize now”.  Close the window.

When a calendar is added or removed on the server a re-synchronization of the available calendars must be triggered manually from this window.

File → New → Collection account → Email address or user name: central@aegee.org → Look up → Next.  Leave Collection and Addressbook selected.  De-select “Mail Receive” and “Mail Send” → Next.

** DAVx⁵ **
Create a new account of type “Login with email address”, enter central@aegee.org → Login.

** APPLE **
Account → Add → Other → Calendar (CalDAV).  As server enter webmail.aegee.org, user name central@aegee.org .

Wann Dienstag, 04. Januar 2022

Erstellt am Mittwoch, 12. Januar 2022 um 00:19:56 OEZ

Letzte Änderung am Freitag, 14. Januar 2022 um 11:05:51 OEZ

Verknüpfung zum Kalender https://central.aegee.org/?d=2022-01-04&id=a21bbcc0664cdd9588674d31f46d6752b9e63acd0&cal=2

💾︎iCalendar Datei https://central.aegee.org/c/2/21bbcc0664cdd9588674d31f46d6752b9e63acd0.ics

Kalender  Introduction